
October 2020

Predictive Marketing: 1.3 – Channel Attribution

BY Veda Konduru Oct 26, 2020

  Marketing Channel attribution and its impact on Predictions Based on the type of industry, you must be using Marketing channels that are believed to be the most effective.   For E-Commerce or Retail based businesses, the most popular Marketing...

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Predictive Marketing: 1.2 – Personas & Contexts

BY Veda Konduru Oct 19, 2020

  Customer Personas and Contexts in which they are used In the context of Customer persona, creating a Persona can be defined as profiling a person with what his/her buying interests and motivations are. Is Persona applicable only in one...

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Predictive Marketing:1.1 Hyper-Targeting

BY Veda Konduru Oct 12, 2020

  Hyper-Targeting: a key component of Predictive Marketing Campaigns   One of the key aspects of a Marketer is to be able to target a specific group of individuals when running Promotions or Campaigns. Hyper-Targeting is a technique to identify...

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Predictive Marketing Campaigns: 1.0 – Let’s peek!

BY Veda Konduru Oct 5, 2020

Have you heard about Predictive Marketing Campaigns? Are you an E-Commerce or Retail Marketer who runs Email or Catalog campaigns for your Organization? Are you looking to increase your revenue? I bet, you must have tried many ways to accomplish...

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